Monday, December 30, 2019

Technological Innovation Essay - 920 Words

Technological Innovation Works Cited Missing Technological innovation makes daily life more convenient and enjoyable for everyone. However, technological breakthroughs also produce social and ethical consequences. Computers are no exception to this rule. These products of modern technology can store massive amounts of information which help us perform at our best. However, they also generate new ethical dilemmas regarding who is able to access that information and how they use it. Thus, the ethical issue of privacy comes to the fore as well as problems associated with privacy like identity theft. The history of computing goes as far back as the 1600s. However, computers didn’t start to look†¦show more content†¦The right of privacy from electronic ‘invasion...has become a serious ethical issue† (Hutchinson and Sawyer 438) because our privacy is put in danger every time a company enters our personal information into their computer database. These databases are used by companies ranging from banks to libraries as a way to track appointments, orders, employees, and our buying habits. In addition, â€Å"various companies also offer services that provide address, criminal records, and professional histories as well as a list of assets and bank account numbers. They can also obtain your Social Security number, last six addresses, current phone number as well as names and phone numbers of neighbors. Lexis-Nexis and West Publishing Company are some of the larger and more prestigious companies that offer such information.† (Hutch inson and Sawyer 418). These companies are not using our personal information in any illegal way. However, their databases are vulnerable to being accessed by the wrong individuals which can compromise our privacy. Tom Forester and Perry Morrison found that, â€Å"Computer crime is a growing problem for companies, according to recent reports. Every new technology introduced into society creates new opportunities for crime, and informationShow MoreRelatedTechnological Innovations in Society733 Words   |  3 PagesTechnological Innovations In society today it seems that many people rely on technology and focus more on the innovations that have occurred in the last twenty years or less. 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