Monday, December 30, 2019

Technological Innovation Essay - 920 Words

Technological Innovation Works Cited Missing Technological innovation makes daily life more convenient and enjoyable for everyone. However, technological breakthroughs also produce social and ethical consequences. Computers are no exception to this rule. These products of modern technology can store massive amounts of information which help us perform at our best. However, they also generate new ethical dilemmas regarding who is able to access that information and how they use it. Thus, the ethical issue of privacy comes to the fore as well as problems associated with privacy like identity theft. The history of computing goes as far back as the 1600s. However, computers didn’t start to look†¦show more content†¦The right of privacy from electronic ‘invasion...has become a serious ethical issue† (Hutchinson and Sawyer 438) because our privacy is put in danger every time a company enters our personal information into their computer database. These databases are used by companies ranging from banks to libraries as a way to track appointments, orders, employees, and our buying habits. In addition, â€Å"various companies also offer services that provide address, criminal records, and professional histories as well as a list of assets and bank account numbers. They can also obtain your Social Security number, last six addresses, current phone number as well as names and phone numbers of neighbors. Lexis-Nexis and West Publishing Company are some of the larger and more prestigious companies that offer such information.† (Hutch inson and Sawyer 418). These companies are not using our personal information in any illegal way. However, their databases are vulnerable to being accessed by the wrong individuals which can compromise our privacy. Tom Forester and Perry Morrison found that, â€Å"Computer crime is a growing problem for companies, according to recent reports. Every new technology introduced into society creates new opportunities for crime, and informationShow MoreRelatedTechnological Innovations in Society733 Words   |  3 PagesTechnological Innovations In society today it seems that many people rely on technology and focus more on the innovations that have occurred in the last twenty years or less. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Sexual Identity of Gay Asian Men - 4589 Words

Engendering the Subaltern Subject: The Sexual Identity of Gay Asian Men We live in a world wherein we are controlled by our society. Society dictates what can and cannot be done, what is right and wrong, what is to be accepted and what is to be shunned. In our world today, we feel the need to conform to the norm, to feel as though we somehow belong, that we are a part of something bigger – that we belong to a community. In our world today, we are also encouraged to set ourselves apart from everyone else, to be our unique; our own person, but being different is something that is not generally accepted, the very notion that society brings forth, that we need to be our own person, society also contradicts because you can only be so†¦show more content†¦Many have argued that the very concept of gender is constructed by society, when in fact, gender is not simply a constructed concept, but rather, it is likened to a performance which gives it its meaning. â€Å"†¦Gender is not something we are born with, instinctively knowing how to beh ave within its confines, but a learned identity reinforced by behaviors thrust onto us by societal expectations of â€Å"appropriate† gender behavior.† (Chong, 6) We behave in these gender appropriate ways because we are taught gender appropriate behavior, which in turn redefines what gender is – it’s no longer simply the distinction between the sexes, but rather, gender is â€Å"not simply an aspect of what one is, but, more fundamentally, it is something that one does, and does recurrently, in interaction with others† (Hollander, 1998) In a nutshell, gender has become a symbol of our status that we achieve by maintaining an image that we present to others, which is why there are â€Å"gender appropriate† rules perpetuated in society so that each one of us is able to fulfill our gender roles in the whole picture of society, because these roles that we fill play a part in the perfect picture society wants to construct; gender has now become a task we carry out in order to construct our identity and project an image. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Raphael Free Essays

string(222) " elements but the general semi circular setting having Plato and Aristotle at its centre might be alluding to Pythagoras circumspect† 5 Jill Grayer comments that Raphael â€Å"deliberately romanticists Greek space\." Visual analysis assignment, discussing Raphael and the fresco, The School of Athens, (1510-1511). It measures 5. 79 x 8. We will write a custom essay sample on Raphael or any similar topic only for you Order Now Mom and is housed in The Stanza Della Signature, Vatican, Rome. Rafael Sansei or Saint (1483 – died Rome 1520) was a major art figure in the age of the Renaissance. He was â€Å"one of the greatest portrait artists of all time and one of the greatest painters of classical figure groups†l Gerard El grand in his studies of Renaissance Art agrees with this statement. â€Å"He helped to define the Italian High Renaissance. † 2 Repeal’s artistic education began early. His father Giovanni Saint was a painter in the Montenegro court. Raphael in subsequent years trained as a painter and gradually surpassed his teachers. Raphael was possibly a student of Perusing as their painting style was very similar but as Raphael progressed in his studies; his compositions superseded his teacher’s works. â€Å"He surpasses his influential mentor Perusing in the rendering of tender yet powerful beauty. † 4 It was in 1508 that Raphael was summoned by Pope Julius II to work for the Vatican and it is where Raphael created the monumental work, School of Athens. In 1508 Raphael was summoned by Pope Julius II to work for the Vatican, where he produced his elaborate frescoes and established his own workshop. â€Å"5 The age of the Renaissance needs to be understood in order to study and comprehend the School of Athens fresco and its underlying meanings. The ideas and knowledge of Ancient Greece were of paramount importance at this time especially in regard s to the practice of art. â€Å"It was an era when ancient practices were given a new birth. The name Renaissance was commonly used as well as other definitions, renovation and restitution. This also explains why the artists saw themselves as revolutionaries. They saw their own potential; they had a desire to exist. It was a remarkable feat of self assertion. â€Å"6 The humanist ideology and followers of this movement helped to reinvent Classical Greek culture. Patriarch was the most famous of the humanists and was the first to put forward the idea of returning to Classical Antiquity. â€Å"That this return could only be a new beginning and not simply a matter of blind faith. â€Å"l The humanists were involved in translating ancient texts, such as Plat’s Times and Aristotle Mechanical Ethics. â€Å"They also wanted to reconcile Platonism with a well assimilated Aristotelian but also with the three main religions Christianity, Judaism and Islam. 3 These rediscovered ancient texts â€Å"could restore man to a place in a cosmos that was ordered differently from the Aristotelian cosmos†. 4 Humanism and its influence transformed the Renaissance artistsâ⠂¬â„¢ practice, their methods of painting and the subjects expressed. â€Å"The ideas of the Ancient Greeks transformed the fields of philology, medicine and theology. 5 The reinterpretation of the sciences, mathematics and physics can be seen with the new developments in painting at this time. â€Å"To talk about ‘renaissance art’ is to talk first and foremost about the broader cultural phenomenon of the Renaissance itself. 6 The Renaissance was not a time whereby the ideals of Classical Greece were Just regurgitated. It was â€Å"the imitation of antiquity which must not be interpreted as a rigid concept. â€Å"7 Certain inventions were being introduced in relation to painting during the Renaissance. Elegant gives a chronology of events in relation to the theory of perspective. 8 â€Å"In 1300 Ghetto introduced elementary rational perspective. It is legend that Ghetto drew freehand a perfect circle, firmly establishing the art of draftsmanship even though he had no grasp of mathematical science underlying it. In the 1330 and 1400 artists came aware of measurement, using guide marks to help paint the surface of the walls for frescoes. In 1342 – 4, Imbroglio Lorgnette understood the near approximation and definition of a vanishing point. It was also understood that the ancients had developed some kind of systematic perspective method, (at least in stage design). In 1425 Brucellosis ‘peepshows’ demonstrated the possibility of exact coincidence of natural vision and pictorial vision in a determined space. In 1435-6, painting could be defined as a kind of window circumscribing the intersection of a flat surface with the pyramid of visual rays. In 1450 experiments in Ariel respective by Flemish painters created recession in landscape backgrounds through a series of increasingly cool and pale color zones. During 1450 – 60, there was evidence of a mixed perspective system sometimes bifocal in appearance, sometimes in separate planes, sometimes legitimate but usually based on complex calculation. In 1498 the manuscript On Divine Proportion by Luck Piccalilli was published. Historians have suggested that the diagrams within this manuscript are attributable to Leonardo dad Vinci. â€Å"l The knowledge gained by artists through these new principles of mathematics and physics were integral in their understanding of the satirical space. The application of perspective was no longer a rudimentary affair but based on legitimate constructs according to certain laws which led to recognition of pictorial space. â€Å"2 Renaissance artists rediscovered human anatomy with the study of Classical Greek and Roman statuary. â€Å"To reproduce the third dimension of space and life of the figures by representing mass in terms of perspective, this optical realism in relation to the material world with correspondingly tonal realism. The pictorial space required the construction of perspective called oceanography which rejected the undefined representation of space in Byzantine and medieval frescoes. Based on the idea that space was homogeneous, it was conceived of as axial and could be applied to a flat surface, devised by theoreticians of art, it aimed to be natural before becoming artificial that is to say based on geometry. â€Å"3 Valley Reese describes the fresco School of Athens as â€Å"sumptuous, a vibrant and vivid intellectual scene. It has vaulted architecture, three Greek arches leading to the beautiful sky beyond. Raphael has put great effort into the space of this painting. There are echoes of the pantheon structure. The edifice is a large space and is placed in genuine antique style. 4 Wisped states that â€Å"The architecture contains roman elements but the general semi circular setting having Plato and Aristotle at its centre might be alluding to Pythagoras circumspect† 5 Jill Grayer comments that Raphael â€Å"deliberately romanticists Greek space. You read "Raphael" in category "Papers" That he intellectualized it for a purpose. It echoes or imitates the grandest buildings in Rome the golden house of Nero’ and it makes references to famous paintings. It does not represent a type of pagan worship but has a rhetorical importance. It is rhetorical fantasy. L Elegant also comments on the paintings mythical capacity. It was not a time of illusion, if myth did come into it, it was defining vital myth. â€Å"2 The Renaissance can be defined by its difference to the previous historical era, The Middle Ages. Elegant states that the â€Å"The Middle Ages was an era entirely steeped in darkness followed by the radiant dawn of the Renaissance. Although the eminent art critic, John Risking saw the Renaissance as no more than the decline of the middle ages and having at its core puritanical origins. â€Å"3 John Risking was not alone in this view as Elegant states that the Nazarene painters ND the Pre-Reappraises also saw the Renaissance in this way. In the 13th Century, the artist Ghetto represented life and used painting methods that differed from the religious art of the Middle Ages. â€Å"He still presented his figures as in a frieze but he was interested in the different contours and relief of the face and delineated these. He introduced the everyday life into tragic or fantastical scenes not so much as the coded legend as the active life of the legendary beings depicted. â€Å"4 Elegant emphasizes the difference between these two periods of history. â€Å"The Middle Ages was â€Å"stuck in a rut of using tired old Byzantine motifs. Tuscany was virtually a cemetery of classical ruins. The Renaissance was a time when painting broke free from religious decoration. Its purpose was to no longer educate or to elicit an emotional response from the faithful but to make them participate, through their own personal experiences, in a reconfiguration of sacred history. â€Å"5 Jeanie Anderson acknowledges that religious themes still played a major role in art, during the Renaissance. â€Å"Religious art remained the most important subject matter in the Renaissance as it had been in medieval art, but now portraits and stories from Classical Antiquity were introduced into the artists’ repertoire. â€Å"6 Elegant also states â€Å"that this was a time when old theoretical frameworks were demolished when the Christian universe, a strained compromise between Ptolemaic astronomy, Aristotelian cosmology and the literal teachings of the bible collapsed. † 1 The fresco School of Athens was housed in the public library of Pope Julius II. It had been a tradition during this time of the Renaissance to divide books into subjects and classification. The books in the library were divided between subjects such as philosophy, law, poetry, and theology. These books were housed underneath the frescoes. â€Å"The image above would reflect the range of books underneath. It was known that Pope Julius II used or read very few philosophical books and only read law and theology. â€Å"2 Angier Hobbs comments that â€Å"the Christian religion is taking into account and adheres to the religious and philosophical thought of the past and embraces it. † Melvyn Bragg states that â€Å"the truth is sought by philosophy and found by theology and kept by religion. â€Å"4 This painting was an expression of the time. It denounces authoritarian dogma and all religions and philosophies are being abated. They are influencing each other, a spirit of curiosity which was constantly active. The classical world chimed with a new sensibility one which was totally free of dogma. There was a lack of distinctive Judgment during this time and the opening up of thought. â€Å"5 In Repeal’s painting School of Athens, the figures are identified a s having different ideas. â€Å"An energetic debate is being practiced and the scholars are discussing law, astronomy, physics, philosophy, theology, mathematics, and poetry including music. â€Å"6 The Vatican library consisted of classical references, and it protected Greek culture. It was a refuge of Greek learning, as the scholars of Classical Greece had been forgotten in the intervening years before the Renaissance. â€Å"7 Jill Grayer discusses the figures in the painting, School of Athens. â€Å"Hypoxia, a Greek Manipulations philosopher in Roman Egypt can be seen and Heron of Alexandria represents an ancient Greek mathematician and engineer. Penalties, a stoic philosopher represents poetry and Diatom of Matinee is a female philosopher who plays an important role in Plat’s Symposium. She is giving Socrates the teaching of love. It is unusual to have women centrally viewed and to be given such status. Inspirational poets and painters are depicted. Euclid is represented and there are great Christian philosophers, theologians and on the other side of the room are poets and lawyers. The central main figures in the painting are of Aristotle and Plato. Plato is pointing to the sky and Aristotle is pointing towards the ground. Egyptians are personified, as well as Zoroaster who was before the time of Abraham’s teachings. Statues of Greek gods are seen on either side, Apollo and Athena. Classical, pagan, Renaissance scholars and religious leaders are represented. In this painting we have the cream of intellectual thought. There is a harmonious aspect to this world as conflict is left out of the frame. (Who is better than another? ) There are plenty of philosophers not paying attention to Plato and Aristotle. It has the complexity of intellectual thought and represents the time. â€Å"l Herbert Read in his book The Meaning of Art reinforces this idea. The Renaissance was a time â€Å"where minds were consumed by intellectual curiosity. 2 Wisped suggests that â€Å"nearly every Greek philosopher can be found within the painting but determining which are depicted is difficult since Raphael made no designations outside possible likenesses and no anthropometry documents to explain the painting. Raphael had to invent a system of iconography to allude to various figures for whom there were no traditional visual types. The identities of some of the philosophers in the pi cture such as Plato or Aristotle are undeniable. Beyond that identification of Repeal’s figures have always been hypothetical. 3 Jill Grayer states that â€Å"not a lot of people knew about Greek architecture. â€Å"4 She goes on to say that â€Å"he would not have known these texts†¦ Plato and Aristotle. He was only interested in basic knowledge of tradition. He was not a scholar but a painter. There was no evidence that Raphael had a formal education, or knowledge of Plato and Aristotle philosophy. â€Å"l Although Jill Grayer later mentions that these ideas would have been talked about and debated continuously during the â€Å"Raphael had moved to Florence in 1504 and then to Rome in about Renaissance. 1508. Both cities were major centers for High Renaissance Art. Other artists who worked in Florence were Botanical and Michelangelo and they all relied heavily on strong draftsmanship. Drawing was the basis of their paintings which is confirmed by present day x- ray bibliographic analysis which shows strong drawing beneath the minted surfaces†2 It was said by one of his friends, Elegant states, that it was â€Å"Repeal’s greatest Joy to be taught and to teach. â€Å"3 With such changes and developments in painting and knowledge being disseminated it is unlikely that Raphael would not have been influenced by these new inventions and new discussions. Giorgio Vassar who was a close friend and contemporary of Raphael claims that he was ‘angel like’. â€Å"Raphael was modest and good. Gentle and always ready to conciliate, he was considerate of everyone. â€Å"4 Herman J Heckler introduces Vassar as a man who knew and admired Raphael. â€Å"He writes with an assurance of a an he knew, respected and loved. â€Å"5 Although Elegant states that such a description is disappointing and uninteresting. Vassar describes him like a professor. â€Å"6 Artists during the Renaissance were perceived as heroic and were Just as important as statesmen, 7 so Vicar’s comments were not wrong or made out of context. How to cite Raphael, Papers Raphael Free Essays Raphael was a painter who was considered one of the great masters of the Italian Renaissance. He enjoyed wealth and power during his lifetime unlike many other artists of the time who were not to be recognized until after their deaths. Rafael was born in Italy on April 6, 1483. We will write a custom essay sample on Raphael or any similar topic only for you Order Now He was the son of a very successful artist, but his father passed away when he was 1 1 . Growing up, Raphael was always surrounded by talented and wealthy people. He was sent to study in Peruvian when he was 16 and then when he was 20 Raphael went to Siena and Florence to study with masters. He aimed recognition for church paintings, commissioned portraits, and pictures of saints Raphael aided in making while he was with these masters. Later, Raphael was summoned to Rome to work for Pope Julius II who had a powerful and heroic personality and wished to have his rooms dramatically painted. Julius’ favorite architect, Donate Aberrant, was a relative of Raphael. Julius was so impressed with Repeal’s work that he dismissed all of the other artists that had been working for him and Raphael finished everything on his own. For Julius, Raphael created the Stanza Della Signature which is a building that combines both pagan and Christian homes in brilliant, complex compositions to symbolize the Renaissance. Raphael made many more creations under Julius’ patronage. When Julius died Raphael became a favorite of the next pope, Leo X. Both Raphael and Leo preferred to be happy and were hardworking men. Raphael produced many masterpieces over the next few years for the pope and other patrons including some of his most famous works, the Sistine Madonna, Madonna of the Goldfinch, The Holy Family under the Oak Tree (Pearl Madonna), the Galatea, Saint Cecilia, and a portrait of Repeal’s friend, Balderdash Castigation. Leo gave Raphael many extra tasks which may have affected his health. He was appointed as superintendent of antiquities, he decorated rooms and designed a series of 10 tapestries, each more than 11 feet high. Raphael also inherited much of the work of his elderly relative Aberrant, the architect. Repeal’s works bring together the different elements of the Renaissance and his pictures are not of conflict, but of balance. His work portrays subjects in an idealistic, perfected form which Raphael has been both admired and criticized for. Raphael had many assistants to carry out his designs and ideas. Giorgio Vassar, an early biographer, said Repeal’s personality caused men to â€Å"live in a state of natural harmony and agreement†. He found time to enjoy the fine living his position brought him. Raphael had many mistresses but was very happy with his bachelor status and was never married. He also never involved himself in politics or the schemes of others. Raphael died at 37 years old on April 6, 1520 because of a fever for which he was bled by doctors. His funeral took place on the Pantheon in Rome, and his last picture, The Transfiguration was displayed over his coffin. Raphael By Babbage How to cite Raphael, Papers Raphael Free Essays

Friday, December 6, 2019

Waste Water Problems and Solutions in Bahrain free essay sample

Waste water In the Arab world the water challenges are well studied and researched. There are facts that water security is disappearing. Especially in Bahrain, where it is a small island and the demand of water is increasing year by year. Waste water in Bahrain started to occur by human activities of companies, agriculture and can include a wide range of pollution. Water is an important thing, therefore solutions should be made and to be delivered to the citizens of the importance of water nowadays.There is a limited awareness of Bahraini citizens about water limitations, they are using it without any concentrations or thinking. Lots of percentages water being used incorrectly whether in plantings, home usage, or other water based activities. This has caused many issues relating to water, even to the citizens of Bahrain because water is a necessity object in everything.Moreover, issues of water quality and maintenance are decisively important; as having a constant water supply besides the water resources it could affect the development of the country as well (Gulf News, 2010). We will write a custom essay sample on Waste Water Problems and Solutions in Bahrain or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Water comes into mostly everything in life, it is important for human being and animals to live, plant protection where lots of agricultural industries and farming areas are being developed in the region. As well as, it’s involved in lots of manufacturing, chemicals and business sectors fields. As a fact it is more important than the oil which Bahrain is relying on for its economic aspects. Bahrain is planning new waste water treatment for the Tubli Sewage Treatment Plant. Khalifa Ebrahim Al Mansoor, the ministry assistant undersecretary stated in his report that the proposal of arranging a connection with the private sector in order to expand and upgrade the Tubli Sewage Treatment Plant will be positively expected at the end of year 2011.In addition, he also said that Tubli plant is not proficient with treating the problems related to waste water and Muharraq plant will pact the waste water and generate enough amount of water for landscaping. And as a result of that it will decrease the shortages of water in Bahrain. This privatization project is mainly developed to increase the Greenfield sewage plant treatment with facilitating the designing, financing, testing and operating well water usage in the region.Furthermore, this project is supposed to establish and introduce t he main concept of waste water management throughout the people and overall firms of Bahrain and reduce number of operational problems that are faced now and find solutions within the next 50 years (Clean Middle East, 2011). Only the stated above will not be enough for now, as people are not very much aware of the shortages that Bahrain is facing for water. That is why institutes and more awareness programs should be provided in the country in order to be able to succeed in reducing waste water problems.